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November 14, 2019

Brain Health News to Know for November

Hearing Aids Lower Risk of Dementia, Falls

Hearing aids are beneficial for more than just hearing. New research finds that using a hearing aid makes problems like dementia, falling, gait problems or depression and anxiety significantly less likely to occur. Study lead Elham Mahmoudi, Ph.D., notes that while using a hearing aid doesn’t prevent someone from developing these conditions, it could delay onset, which could be beneficial for the patient and Medicare system.

Source: MedicalNewsToday

First Drug that Can Slow Alzheimer’s, Dementia

U.S. company Biogen says it will seek regulatory approval from the FDA for its drug that slows the clinical progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia. Previous drugs have not been able to slow the progression of either disease, but have been used solely to treat symptoms. The drug targets the amyloid protein, which accumulates in the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient.

Source: BBC News

Be Aware of the Aging Mind

As we age, our brain changes. To help explain these changes, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has compiled information about aging and the brain. The NIH cites a study that revealed that people with low scam awareness were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

Source: NIH

Trans Fat May be Bad for the Brain

We’ve all read about how trans fats are bad for our hearts. Now, research is showing that the fats are also bad for our brains. Researchers have found that people with high levels of trans fats in their blood were at an increased risk for developing dementia.

Source: The New York Times

Dancing Improved Mood, Brain Function

Taking a quick five-minute dance break can benefit your mood and brain function. Researchers gave two groups of people two problems to solve with a break between problems. One group danced between solving problems and another did not. Researchers found that those who danced performed better on the second problem solving session. Different types of dancing improve different types of cognition, as well.

Source: Inc.

Personality Traits in Teens May Indicate Dementia Risk as Adults

New research has suggested that having a vigorous, calm and mature personality during adolescence lowers the risk of developing dementia in adulthood. Investigators looked at the personality traits of over 80,000 teens from a national sample of high school students in 1960. They found that those teens who rated higher on the vigor scale were 7% less likely to be diagnosed with dementia 50 years later. The authors defined “vigor” as an "an energetic disposition" and characterized as a trait of "high extraversion"

Source: Medscape

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