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September 15, 2022

Getting in Front of Fall Prevention

Over 36,000 individuals died from falls that could have been prevented in 2020, according to the CDC. And, over 2.8 million Americans sustained fall-related injuries that led to emergency room visits and treatments.


It’s statistics such as these that reveal the seriousness of falling – and the need to proactively do your part to help you and your loved ones stay safe.

The good news is that there are some innovative ‘fall prevention’ programs available that can help you successfully reduce your risk.


One such program: Stepping On.


Specifically designed for adult learners, Stepping On is a seven-week ‘falls prevention’ program for people aged 60 or better, living independently in their homes. Led by trained leaders, and with the support of industry experts and your peer group, Stepping On helps individuals manage the changes in health and life that come with aging - so participants can keep living the life they prefer.


With a track record of reducing falls by 31%, Stepping On’s approach to prevention works.


Kendal at Home is pleased to bring Stepping On to program members, starting on October 4th!


Specifically, Stephanie Tewes and Melissa Neman, both Kendal At Home Care Coordinators, were selected by the Ohio Department of Health to receive a grant, which enabled them to complete intensive training for certification in conducting this evidence-based, fall-reduction program, Stepping On.


In addition, Stephanie has successfully completed two micro-credentials through The American Occupational Therapy Association. Being credentialed in Home Modification and Fall Prevention, as well as Fall Prevention Fundamentals, has earned Stephanie the title of Falls Prevent Expert.


Join us in celebrating the passion and dedication that both Stephanie and Melissa have for this important work.


To learn more about the value of these credentials, visit: https://www.credly.com/badges/e4215465-c786-44b4-803b-d5b59bd561bf/public_url.


And, be sure to register for Stepping On as soon as possible (through the Membership Portal), as the number of participants per class is limited. Classes will be held virtually.


Soon, Kendal At Home will offer the benefits of Stepping On across our communities. It’s just one more way that we will help individuals stay safe and, ultimately, improve their quality of life – not just during September National Falls Prevention and Awareness Month, but each day of the year.

Healthy aging is hard on your own. Kendal at Home can help you age well and enjoy your retirement.

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