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Kendal At Home

Kendal at Home is Your Smart Way to Age at Home

A Quaker-based not-for-profit organization, Kendal at Home offers you autonomy, dignity and peace of mind, while providing immediate flexibility, choices, and financial protection. Kendal at Home is an innovative program focusing three areas:

Check out our new video series.

Eager to learn more about Kendal at Home?

From a simple explanation of what Kendal at Home is, to how it works, and how it can help you safely age in place, our video series can address your top questions about becoming a Kendal at Home member, explaining the benefits of membership and how we facilitate your plan to age safely at home.
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What Some of Our Members Have to Say

How Kathy and Dick Stay Independent with Kendal at Home

Group 106

Maintain Your Independence with the Support of a Care Coordinator

When you join Kendal at Home, you’ll be assigned a personal Care Coordinator. Your care coordinator will get to know you personally — your likes, dislikes, lifestyle and preference — and work with you to create a customized plan that helps you stay healthy and maintain your independence.

Group 99

Retirement Living at Home for Healthy Seniors

Kendal at Home is an exclusive program for healthy seniors with residence in Ohio, Kentucky and Massachusetts. To qualify for membership, you must meet a few guidelines. Connect with Kendal at Home to see if you qualify.

Group 107

Get Peace of Mind by Planning for Your Retirement

Get started planning for your retirement by talking with your financial and estate advisors about Kendal at Home. Here’s what they should know about our program.

Find Out How Kendal at Home Can Become a Part of Your Retirement Plan

Register for an Upcoming Seminar

What People Say About Us

Explore the narratives of satisfied customers, showcasing the journey of their experience with us.

It helps the relationship one has with one's adult children once you're settled in as a member. You’re no longer talking about vitamins or orange juice or whatever. You can talk about other things.

Mary P. Member Since 2011

We didn’t want our out-of-state children to worry about us. Kendal at Home gave us a reasonable introductory price. There was continuing care involved, which on some long-term insurance…isn’t the case.

John E. Member Since 2014

Our care coordinator is familiar with our lifestyle and farmhouse living on 2.3 acres and growing our own vegetables. They offer financial peace of mind by allowing us to calculate the costs and make other financial decisions based on these costs.

Sandy R. Member Since 2011

Latest Resources

Latest Resources

Estate Planning: What to Know for Your Peace of Mind

Estate planning is more than ensuring your possessions and money are distributed according to your wishes after your death. It also involves communicating your healthcare wishes.

Latest Resources

Fun Hobbies for Older Adults

How are you spending your free time? If you’re like most retirees, you may spend it watching TV. However, there’s a healthier way to spend your leisure time. A hobby can not only improve your mental health, it can improve your physical health, too.

Latest Resources

What Older Adults Need to Know About Mental Health

Did you know: older adults are at increased risk of experiencing mental health issues like depression and anxiety? Not only that, suicide rates among men above age 85 are the highest in the country.